Johnnae Vernon, portrait

Springfield, Ma.
Elms College Class of ‘24
Transferred to Elms from STCC

Majoring in Online Computer Science, Computer Information Technology and Security with Cyber Security Minor

“As a transfer student from Springfield Technical Community College, having been selected for the Elms STEM scholarship has not only aided me in my financial obligation as a full-time student but it has granted me personalized academic support, opportunities and convenience that Our Lady of Elms is committed to providing its attending students.

 My first introduction to technology was at the impressionable age of 14 through the Urban league’s Digital Connectors program, an inclusive program engaging teens and young adults of the African American community enhancing academic and social development. Such an impactful experience of that magnitude taught me the importance of dedication and perseverance I’ve carried through life.  At Our Lady of Elms, it is with the same spirit I seek to achieve my goals in pursuit of my awaited career; I seek to impact the following generations to persevere in pursuit of their own.”